Healed People, Heal People

Do I Have The Stronghold Of Anger? PDF Print E-mail

We’ve all seen people out of control with [habitual] anger – they drive dangerously, they start fights, they are out of control at home. Some of you may remember the famous basketball coach Bobby Knight who was fired because of his top temper – in other words he was out of control, a-n-d he was out of a job. Maybe you are this person who has the anger stronghold residing in your life daily. The Bible tells us that anger rests in the bosom of fools.

We are all unified in a sense because each of us has been good and angry before, but in Ephesians 4 we are told when angry, do not sin. So this means it is possible to be angry without sinning – this would be called righteous anger. Jesus Himself was livid with anger when he saw the hardness in the hearts of people in Mark 3. God is angry with the wicked everyday as written in the Psalms.

What’s important for you to know, Beloved, is that anger distorts your perception – of everything including all of your relationships. What’s a fact is that anger if left unattended will, can and presently manifests itself in disease and illness in our bodies, in our families’ bodies and in our church members’ bodies. Former U.S. Surgeon General Everett Koop said anger is the number one health problem. Did you know that one-third of all women who come to emergency room or doctors’ offices for immediate care is because they’ve been battered – that’s irrational anger.

The goal of an abuser [anger as a spiritual root] is to continually destabilize his or her victim – emotionally, spiritually and physically. The goal of satan as the source of all of the anger stronghold is to destroy and kill you [even if that means you kill and destroy other people literally or figuratively through your words, actions, lack of action or silence.] We can easily and logically conclude that any person [Christian] who has the stronghold of anger definitely has problems in all relationships [eventually].

How can we experience the abundant life God intended for us to have when we keep getting tripped up by the stronghold of anger. Here are a few other strongholds intimately attached and intertwined with the anger stronghold that keep a person [Christian] bound:

* the stronghold of injustice can be attached to the anger stronghold;

* the stronghold of resentment can be intertwined with the anger stronghold;

* the stronghold of shame can be a friend of the anger stronghold [1 example: growing up in poverty];

* the stronghold of rejection most often is tied to the hip of the anger stronghold [1 example: one person being favored over another];

* the stronghold of passive-aggression just sits in the lap of the anger stronghold [1 example: take your time getting ready for church when you know someone in the home wants to be on time]; and,

* the stronghold of powerlessness seeks to make itself acquainted with the anger stronghold as early as possible in any relationship [1 example: a child who is molested by a parent, guardian, neighbor, family member or church member].

24 SYMPTOMS OF ANGER - Take The Assessment Now

There are 24 symptoms of anger [covered in this article]. Please understand there are thousands of symptoms of anger that are not listed here. You are very aware that on this Healed People, Heal People Web community, we’re completely focused on the Holy Spirit identifying & destroying the roots of any stronghold or recurring issue in your life [which is integrated healing & deliverance]. So, with that in mind, below are only 24 symptoms, but the spiritual root is anger.

Anger can definitely be passed down generationally [as can any other stronghold]. This anger stronghold is especially more applicable with people who have step parents and it is also very likely to be passed down from your biological parents [even if you were adopted]. So basically, if you are breathing, this stronghold could have been passed down to you.

If you’ll be kind, Beloved, to get a sheet of paper and a pen to answer the following questions. Please put a check mark on your paper for each statement that applies to you.

1 – I feel relatively happy and then I’m struck with a mood change.

2 – I raise my voice loudly to communicate something that I’m emphatic about.

3 – I’ve expressed impatience with others and oftentimes play this out in exasperation asking, Why can’t they get a clue?

4 – I often anticipate another person’s predictable behavior and I become angry when I see that anticipation being fulfilled.

5 – I become angry when others people can’t read my mind.

6 – I become angry when I’m not recognized for my contribution.

7 – I become angry when I feel that I’m being disrespected or my words are not being taken seriously or when I feel like I’m not being heard. [This is real issue with the prophetic community, them feeling like they’re not being heard. One of the surest ways the enemy comes at prophetic people is to make them feel like they are not being heard or respected.]

8 – I know I’m angry because of the language inside of my head.

9 – I know I’m angry when I don’t want to hear what the other person has to say.

10 – I get angry when others do not make me a priority.

11 – I get angry when I do not have what I need.

12 – I get angry when people don’t do what I say.

13 – I get angry when I can’t control a given situation.

14 – I get angry about suggestions that I’ve done something wrong.

15 – I get angry when I feel added pressure on my job or with finances or pressure with personal responsibilities or even expectations others might have of me.

16 – I easily become defensive about myself and about others.

17 – I see the faults in others quickly.

18 – I look for opportunities to bring up old, hurtful subjects. In other words, I keep beating that old dead horse.

19 – I find myself speaking negatively or critically of others.

20 – The phrase, I don’t deserve this, goes through my head frequently.

21 – I say I’ve forgiven, but I continue to reprocess the same subjects.

22 – I get frustrated easily about the perceived faults and mistakes of others.

23 – I become impatient easily.

24 – I feel like my life is harder than everybody else’s and it’s probably because I’ve been given a raw deal.

Now Beloved reader, total you marks.

If you have 1 – 6 checks for anger, you’re in the low percentile range of the anger stronghold.
If you have 7 – 12 checks for anger, you’re in the average percentile range.
If you have 13 – 18 checks for anger, you’re getting up there.
If you have 19 – 24 checks for anger, you and the anger stronghold are extremely well acquainted.

Did you know that most anger is masked, even in you? You don’t even have any idea how much anger is in the person sitting next to you at work, at church, at home, in your family or at the gym.

Beloved, there are many things in this world I don’t know, but one thing I do know is anger. Why do I write this and share it with you so authoritatively? Because anger owned me for a long, long time. As a fact, as I’ve typed this article the Holy Spirit answered a question I’ve been wondering for a real time. Thank You Holy Spirit.

Now, back to my former anger stronghold. I can recognize anger in its prettiest forms in the most gracious Christians. I can recognize anger on planet Pluto. I know mannerable anger in Christians.I know, I'm ticked offf anger and I don't care if you know. I know, I'm watching you, anger. I tell you, passive anger is so common it's like air, it's everywhere among Christians and non-Christians. I can recognize anger in the most agreeable, God-fearing people. I even know respectful anger, particularly from adult children to parents. I know indirect anger that's turned inward to harm oneself. And, I too am affiliated with the violent sides of anger – from death to threats to cat fights to murder to corruption to let me plan your demise. But, you know what, I probably know anger best in the workplace – even amongst evangelical Christians. Lord have mercy.

Christians are very, very good at trying to justify their anger. For example, some parents show their anger in the form of being incredibly strict – so strict that some have quoted scriptures to their children in the process of being overboard in their seething inward anger.

Beloved, would you simply ask God, Am I angry? He will answer you. If I can help you with other resources, my name on this Web community is, The Cross, A Place of Exchange.


I very clearly remember the night the Holy Spirit removed the roots of this anger stronghold from me. It was such an unexpected experience. I sat on the edge of the bed and asked, Lord, why am I so angry at _________. And He answered me just audibly thereafter. I had been searching and wondering for decades and He finally ended it in less than two minutes. You know how a bath tub has a drain. The Holy Spirit put two drains on me, one on the bottom of my right foot, the other drain on the bototom of my left foot. The Holy Spirit supernaturally drained every ounce of anger physically out of my body. It was the most Holy, quick experience I've had. I simply tilted over on the bed and had the best sleep that I've experienced in decades. And in my mind as I lay on the bed, I said to myself, "It [the anger] is finished." Beloved, do you know when I walked out of the door the next morning and interacted with people, people noticed the absence of anger in me immediately. Now -- they didn't know to call it anger, but the difference was immediate. Thank you Holy Spirit. I like this side of anger much better, now. Remember Beloved, our God [who was Jesus in the flesh] is not a respector of people. He can and will remove your anger too.

Biblical Healing & Deliverance by Chester & Betsy Kylstra
You can order this book at the following link.


- self focused
- easily offended
- easily hurt
- wants control
- are fearful
- insecure
- easily threatened
- riddled with shame
- never can be transparent
- critical
- intolerant
- argumentative
- very religious
- feel alienated
- has no place of belonging
- hard time receiving correction


- secure
- at peace
- transparent and open
- graced based
- forgiving
- tolerant
- encouraging
- easily bless others
- trusting
- positive
- able to love
- able to receive love
- submit to one another
- able to listen well
- able to receive correction without taking offense

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Sources for this article

Dr. Erwin Lutzer's series Why Good People Do Bad Things

Teaching at Belmont Church, Nashville, TN, Summer 2009 – Sandy Powell

Restoring The Foundations International