Healed People, Heal People

Natural Herbs For Charlie Horses PDF Print E-mail

Herbs are plant food substances. This is not a scientific definition, it is a practitioners definition. It is used by the people who make recommendations about how to build better health naturally. Herbs have been used since people began eating. They are not new and they were used long before there were people who called themselves doctors or scientists and they worked and they still do.

There is a solution to every physical problem. It was meant to be that way. It is not experimental. Since there are so many physical differences between us, it stands to reason one herb may do more for a certain person than another but do not despair. There is an herb for you too. Often there are many herbs that are especially helpful for you, just waiting, to be discovered.

Luckily when eating an herb if the wrong one is taken, nothing much happens and if you do eat too much of it, body mechanisms usually reject it and you leave it alone.Part of the fun is discovering your herb or herbs and in the process an acquaintance with herbs that help other people is gained.

One of the ways to tell what an herb will do is to taste a little of it. This is much easier to do with a liquid herb than a tablet or a capsule but in any case it should be done before you ask anyone else to try an herb so it will at least be known if what the label says is in the bottle, is in the bottle.

Please accept this offer to build better health naturally. The information was written because you are respected and appreciated, and loved. Someone does care about you and would like to see you well. Herbs are your birthright. Discover yours. - Dr. A.B. Howard



Uses | Specific for asthma, powerful nervine, cramped muscles, charlie horse, abdominal cramping, antispasmodic, nervouse agitation

Indian Tobacco is perhaps the most serviceable, responsible and reliable herb of the herbal kingdom. It is a wonderful catalyst [regulator], and as Dr. John Christopher remarked it is one of the thinking herbs.

It has the power to coordinate, direct and assist ths use of other herbs or act alone, which makes it an herb of much leverage. It's usefulness has encouraged much jealousy from the physicians of lesser ability. Doctors who did not recognize its true properties branded it as poisonous. In active practice, it is seen that the extract under the tongue will, within seconds or minutes [in severe cases], stop spasms, convulsions and asthmatic attacks.

With use, it easily directs itself and the other herbs to handle the body's condition needing help first and the lesser conditions next. It may also be rubbed on the chest and spine when it cannot be taken by mouth. In those cases where Indian Tobacco does empty the stomach, since it is an antispasmodic, the emesis [throwing up] of putrid material, does not even cause bruising.

Indian Tobacco will not act as an emetic [stomach pump] unless an emetic is necessary, and then it will act strongly upon the putrid stomach, to empty it without bruising. When rubbed across the entire abdominal area, it will relieve any associated, painful gas.

Indian Tobacco is very helpful in food poisoning. Indian Tobacco is an antagonist to poison, whether animal or vegetable in origin. Indian Tobacco is at once, both tranquilizing and energizing. This peculiar concept, but experience has proven it to be true.

For relief of menstrual cramping or relief of charlie horse [painful crampin leg muscle] or any muscular cramping, apply liberally to the area and quickly rub in. When externally applied, please use a good quality extract, not a watery one for the action to be accomplished.

Dosage | One to 20 drops, one drop at a time on the tongue. [First, brush a little peppermint oil on the tongue if sensitive stomach.] Externally, use as much as required.

To order this pure herb Indian Tobacco, please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


HI.K.-W [high potassium]

Generally when a person has charlie horses, the calcium and/or potassium in the person's body is low. Naturally, the person should consume organic foods that have potassium and calcium.

When a potassium supplement is needed think of HI.K-W [K is the chemical symbol for Potassium in Latin]. Stabilize blood sugar, gain muscular strength, prevent cramping muscles, reduce and or balance out sodium intake, and lose taste for regular salt in the process. Build muscular strength without serious exercise. Give to hyperactive children to normalize blood sugar levels and behavior. Build and restore genuine vigor and reserve energy when taken regularly for 4 to 6 months. Energy boost. Does not burn tissues like regular salt substitutes, as it is all from natural vegetable material and balanced in minerals, with an emphasis on its potassium content.

What's included in this combination herb | Dulse, peppermint, parsley, dandelion leaf, yarrow.

Dose | 10 to 40 drops or more, as needed, with meals

To order this natural combination herb HI.K.-W, please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Due to FDA regulations regarding food products, Pure Herbs Ltd. has a no return policy.

If there is an herb you're interested in that's not listed, please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . There is a natural herb for all conditions of the body and mind.

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Do you take prescription meds?

Does someone you love take prescription meds?

Did you know prescription meds is the leading cause of death in America?


Cause of death

9/11 terrorist attacks - 2,986 killed

Chernobyl nuclear accident - 4,000 killed

Murders each year - 16,000

Americans killed in Vietnam war - 58,226

Americans killed by Vioxx - 60,000

Americans killed by prescription drugs (each year) - 106,000

Americans killed by conventional medicine (each year) - 783,936

(page 99-112) “How dangerous are prescription drugs, really? The FDA insists they’re safe enough for widespread consumption, even when one drug, all by itself, has killed more Americans than the Vietnam War.

The truth is that the vast majority of prescription drugs are not compatible with human biology. Rather then working to support human biology, they typically attempt to hijack the body’s biochemistry to achieve a desired measurable result, and a silent massacre is enacted on the people.

Source: Natural Health Solutions by Mike Adams
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